My goal is to affect the organisational
culture in institutions, companies and
non for profit bodies, by enhancing
communication, compassion and creativity within those groups. I have been a part of dozens of projects, groups, initiatives and communities - constantly practicing, learning and developing different Social Technologies. In 2014 I was the initiator of the first Art of Hosting Training in Tel-Aviv, and since 2016 I have been facilitating different group processes within the Greek Refugee Crisis, primarily with Grass-Root organisations.
I'm Maya, Participation Specialist, Group Facilitator, Journalist & Activist.
I have been working as a group facilitator since the 2011 #Occupy movement in Israel, and my facilitation work was born out of the need to find new tools for our change-maker communities to grow in a participatory, collaborative way.
Keeping true to my calling of Social Transformation I work in a Transparent, Open-Source and fun way to create sustainable change in groups, communities and businesses.

My goal is to affect the organizational
culture in institutions, companies and non
for profit bodies, by enhancing communication, compassion and creativity within those groups.I have been a part of dozens of projects, groups, initiatives and communities - constantly practicing, learning and developing different Social Technologies. In 2014 I was the initiator of the first Art of Hosting Training in Tel-Aviv, and since 2016 I have been facilitating different group processes within the Greek Refugee Crisis, primarily with Grass-Root organisations.
We live in a global environment that is increasingly unstable, and in which solutions, transformations and partnerships are increasingly complex. In the past few decades thrilling new methodologies have been invented to allow large groups more meaningful conversations, non-hierarchical decision making and much more. We can work with the unknown, dancing between chaos and order, inviting in our feelings and dreams as well as improving our working relationships to become more productive. With a lot of humor, charisma and love you will be amazed at what we can do together.
Contact me for a free consultation.